The default value is 5, and I recommend leaving it there. uGridstoLoad loads additional grids surrounding the player, which can improve draw distance. UGridsToLoad=5 (this is potentially the most controversial setting in the ini file. The skyrim ini can be found by looking under - ThisPC>Local disc> users> (your name)> documents> my games > skyrim SE - The skyrim prefs ini can be found under the same directory.īBorderRegionsEnabled=0 (this turns off skyrim's borders and is required to use mods which expand skyrim's playable territory) With ES6 so far away, now is the time for that final playthrough, and this guide will hopefully go a long way in helping you enjoy it more than the last time. I'm simply compiling their info and giving some additional info and recommendations, particularly for higher-end systems. All credit goes to them for the discovery of these changes. Most of the information in this guide was found through the skyrim step project and gamerpoets youtube channel. I'll briefly describe the effect on both performance and graphical quality for each command. Also, if I reference a command that you do not have, simply write it in under the correct heading. Any of the lines in your ini that I don't reference can be left alone unless you desire to change them. Don’t miss this special opportunity and check our Skyrim Special Edition Mods website – you will be surprised by the variety! Be one step forward than your competitors with Skyrim SE Mods – no one will be able to overrun you! If it’s your greatest challenge, no more waiting – it’s now or never and no regrets are guaranteed.It's worth noting that these tweaks are edited for my personal use on a high end system (specs below) targeting 60fps at 3840x2160p however, many tweaks will not affect performance at all. All you need to do is click on Skyrim Mods download button and save the files. Sounds too simple? Then you simply must try Skyrim Special Edition Mods and see it personally! Everyone around is just crazy about the best Skyrim mods for a reason – it’s one of the best ways to upgrade your game and get the best of it. Once you decide which file you need, click on Skyrim Mods download and implement additional features in few moments. There are no costs or other kind of payments, so everyone can enjoy Skyrim Special Edition Mods files without any hesitations. Especially with Skyrim Mods which can provide you even with a larger variety of features.

If you would like to dig deeper into the Elder Scrolls world, Skyrim is exclusive chance to do that.